NBA bubble a success
October 23, 2020
The NBA bubble has probably been one of the most successful ways to combat the recent pandemic, Covid 19. From July 22nd, to October 11th, there was not a single positive test from any person in the Orlando area bubble. With the Los Angeles Lakers winning the title, and Lebron James winning Finals MVP, this has been the talk around the bubble. This is to be expected. But many people overlook the little details that lead to this success. Why is nobody talking about the workers, in the bubble?
The chefs, cleaning teams, officers, and much more that also had to sacrifice two and a half months to let these players play? These people are the ones we should shine the spotlight on. 10 of the best chefs in the world, like Alexia Grant, who has cooked for Oprah Winfrey, Meek Mill, and many more stars were in the bubble. When she described her daily job, she said: “So we set up a system of, you know, contactless delivery as fast as possible. The NBA had a wipe-down station, so they would receive all of the meals from my runner, who would pick the meals up for me in the kitchen in a hot-hold bag, deliver it to the hotel. We would wipe it down, and then it would be delivered to the players.” These chefs made on average about 4,000 meals a day in the bubble not only for the players, but everyone else as well. This is nowhere near talked about enough. Their job starts at about 4:30am, all the way until dinnertime.
NBA trainers for these players also had to make a sacrifice. They have to help the players work out, and help the players warm up in practice and before the real games. No one says anything about them. There are people in the bubble who have to test everyone in the bubble to make sure they don’t test positive, but these people are not talked about.
Also, since the NBA bubble is located at Disney, in Orlando, the people who normally run the park also had to sacrifice 2 months of their lives for these players. And let’s never forget about those whose job it is to clean up after these players, whether it be their hotel rooms, or just garbage in general. A few NBA players have recognized the hard effort these workers have done. Like star Houston Rockets guard, Russell Westbrook, who left a $8,000 tip right before he left. These workers had a tremendous impact on the success of the NBA bubble, and it should be talked about much more.