Karales takes on AP

Courtney Rubino, Views Editor

Seventh period athletic performance class now has a new teacher, Mrs. Karales. She currently teaches Freshman PE, Sophomore PE, Health, and now AP.

Along with teaching many different gym and health classes, she also has other involvements within the school. She is currently a School Improvement leader for Health, a member of the Curriculum Coordinating Council, and she also runs the blood drives in order to fundraise for the physical education department.

“I hope to teach students how to lift properly and give them the tools to stay strong and conditioned throughout their lives. I hope to also motivate and instill confidence in each and every student in class,” said Karales when asked what she hopes to accomplish as an AP teacher. She is ready to tackle and help athletes gain strength both mentally and physically. “I love teaching AP because I understand how lifting weights and conditioning can positively impact a person’s life. I have seen athletes get stronger, gain confidence and perform better in their sport because of AP and I wanted to be a part of that,” she added.

Mr. Aubry was asked why he believes it will be a successful year working with Mrs. Karales. “She is very knowledgeable about the techniques we use to teach and perform the different lifts in the Athletic Performance class. She is very excited to be a part of the class and I know she will work very hard to get our students here at West ready for their sport,” explains Mr. Aubry.

Although she is unaware of her schedule this upcoming year, she pointed out that she is ecstatic to be able to teach a section of AP this year. She loves the opportunity to teach this class and would love to continue to do so. “Remember that fitness can bring you a quality of life that money cannot buy. Working out can give you self-confidence, help relieve stress and reduce your risk for disease. Making time for nutrition and fitness is one of the most important decisions of your life,” Karales concludes.