Arsenic and Old Lace

Arsenic and Old Lace

Jared White, Features Editor

Arsenic and Old Lace takes place in the 1940’s. Where these seemingly sweet, charming, and nice old ladies who turn out to be mass murderers. Arsenic and Old Lace is a world-renowned play/ movie that has stuck with generations for decades. The director of this years’ fall play is Arthur J. Galli. This is his third year taking on the task as director. Putting on an entire production from start to finish is a daunting task. You have to create the cast/crew, memorize lines, get costumes, and work out tech for the show. All while trying to keep a steady mind from the stress. You may be wondering “why would Arthur Galli go through with this for so long?”

The director, Mr. Galli says “I enjoy seeing the show evolve from start to finish, as well as showing the community what our kids are capable of”. This is because of his knack of theater. Arsenic and Old Lace showcases a large cast of different personalities, some of them being a drunk plastic surgeon, mass murderers, and a psychopath.

This years’ show is a comedy with some dramatic elements added. The clashing of all those personalities is what makes this show so beloved and hysterical. Students can get involved with productions like the fall play by attending an informational meeting. The meeting lets students know about auditions, the play itself, and how daunting it will be to be apart of.

Now, if you don’t get on the cast list there is a chance for you to still be apart of crew for the show. However, the fall play is definitely a fun experience to be apart of. Billy Mills who plays Mortimer Brewster says, “this being my first year being apart of the cast it is very welcoming”. This is due to the cast and crew giving off a very fun and calm environment. Arsenic and Old Lace is sure to be a treat with many twists and turns that will keep you laughing. This years’ fall play is a must see for all drama and comedy lovers alike.