Asian Giant “Murder Hornets” Arrive in the U.S.

Jada Carter, staff writer

As the United States continues to battle the Coronavirus outbreak, a new type of insect has arrived, Asian Giant “Murder Hornets,” first founded in the state of Washington. These hornets are capable of preying on honey bees, decreasing their population. “I couldn’t wrap my head around what could have done that,” Ted Mcfall, a beekeeper, who found remains of his bees with decapitated heads. Scientists worry about a drastic drop in bee populations as more Asian Giant Hornets flee to the U.S.

According to CBS News, “Washington State University researchers said the hornets attack the beehives, decapitating and killing the adults and eating the larvae and pupae. Just a few of the hornets can completely destroy a hive in a matter of hours.” It is discovered that the Hornets occupy the honeybee nests up to a week or more, feeding on the larvae. 

In a recent statement, Karla Salp, a spokesperson for the Washington State Department of Agriculture, expressed, “The hornets, which are native to East Asia and Japan, don’t usually attack people, but they are known for decimating honeybee colonies.” However, if an individual came across one, their venom is more toxic than that of local bees and wasps, since they have more of it. 

Although, while the giant hornets are typically not harmful to humans, they are a great danger to bee populations, which have been declining in many parts of the world. Scientists warn that unless the insect is eliminated in the next couple of years, it could spread in North America and become permanently established.

In summary, as scientists continue to find new discoveries of the new insect, honeybee populations will remain at risk of decreasing due to the mass killings from the Asian Giant Hornets.